Configure a Bonjour Discovery Policy

The Bonjour Discovery policy determines how Bonjour services are located. It identifies the VLANs on which the Bonjour services can be found. You can configure a maximum of eight Discovery policies.
  1. Go to Policies > Bonjour Gateway > Discovery Policy.

    The Bonjour Discovery window opens. If any Discovery policies are configured, they appear in a list in the Discovery pane. The total number of configured Discovery policies is shown in parentheses.

  2. Choose from the following actions:
    • Select to create a new Discovery policy. Proceed to the next step.
    • From under the Actions column:
      • Select associated with a policy to modify it. Modify the parameters in accordance with the steps in this procedure.
      • Select associated with a policy to delete it.
  3. Enter a Name for the policy.
  4. Select Add to create the policy.


    If you exit the Discovery policy configuration without first adding and saving any policy rules, the configured policy persists, but only until you log out.
  5. Select to add a new policy rule.
  6. Configure the policy rule parameters as described in Discovery Policy Rule Parameters.
    Table 1. Discovery Policy Rule Parameters
    Parameter Description
    Service Name Define the service that can be discovered by the Bonjour gateway.
    • Predefined – Use the drop-down menu to select from a list of predefined Apple services (Scanner, Printer, HomeSharing etc.).
    • Alias – Use an existing alias to define a service that is not available in the predefined list.
    VLAN Type Use the drop-down menu to select the VLAN type.
    • local – The VLAN(s) defined in the Service VLAN field use a local bridging mode.
    • tunneled – The VLAN(s) defined in the Service VLAN field are shared tunnel VLANs.
    Service VLANs Enter a VLAN or a list of VLANs on which the selected service is discoverable. Specify a VLAN ID (1–4094). When specified, Bonjour discovery queries are delivered to all clients on the specified VLANs. Applicable only if enabling Bonjour Services discovery on local VLANs.
    Instance Name Optionally, specify the selected Bonjour service‘s instance name. When specified, the Bonjour service discovery queries contain the instance name. of the service to be discovered. You can either directly specify the string value to be used as a match criteria, or use a string alias (for example, $BONJOURSTRING) to identify the string to match. If using a string alias, ensure that it is existing and configured. For information on configuring a string alias, see Configure a Network Basic Alias Profile.

    This option is useful especially in large distributed, enterprise networks. Use it to create different instances of a Bonjour service for the different organizations or departments (VLANS) within your network. Creating instances allows you to advertise specific service instances for a specific set of VLANs, instead of advertising top-level Bonjour Services to various allocated VLAN(s).

  7. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.